Tuesday 9 October 2012

Types of Threats towards Information Systems Security

The Two (2) types of threats towards Information  Systems Security

  1. Active Threats

    • This type of threats, includes of information system fraud and computer sabotage.
    •  In an active attack a hacker tries to get the valuable information by using his abilities rather than depending on the stupidity of the victim.
      An example could be: Using Brute force to crack the password of a system. 
  2. Passive Threats

    • While for this type of threats, includes of system faults, as well as natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, fires, and hurricanes.
    • in passive attack a hacker intrudes your system, and waits for some valuable information.
      An example could be: A keylogger which sends the input given by the victim to a hacker via a network(LAN or Internet whatever). 

Sunday 23 September 2012

Final Words

We will be facing the Final Exam in less a week from now...
Thank you for your patience in order to teach us....
To finish this ,we hope that Sir will pray for us....


Saturday 22 September 2012

Recommendation For AIS Mini Blogging

Sir ask for some recommendation.Well here is some i can commend.

  1.  I hope that sir will give a new task for every student for new semester.why?because they can copy from previous student and it will make them lazy to find the information.
  2. Give a task that related to AIS more. It will make a student more understands as they will read and find the required informations.
  3. Before that, exist the class on basic blogging learning skills, so, students can save time by doing this assessments from learning first from the Youtube or articles.

Contribution Area of Knowledge for DIA Student

How does UBS contributed to your area of knowledge as DIA student?

Well, first of all UBS contributed to us by it make our recording transaction become easier.Thus it make our job more faster then by using manual that normally take a few days become few hours.

Secondly it also,teach us a new experiences as before we as highscool students that never know that such as software exist.

Third, this UBS Software exists for increasing someone's skills where nowadays, the job seekers must not only have the good result but also their additional skills which can give benefits to the other an individual or corporation.

Lastly, university students like us can have bonus of knowledge which we realized that UBS Software can calculate and arrange the data of accounts effectively and efficiently.But these of course can be real if someone always remember the steps on how to use this type of software :-)

Saturday 11 August 2012

Some of term that is used in UBS

Mini Blogging Project.
Post 7: Elaborate some of the UBS terms of stated below.
a)    Closing Date Vs. Accounting Period

Closing date means a date that we use every times when we want to start to do any transaction works or key in accounts data by using the UBS system. We will key in the date when want to sign in the UBS system.

While for accounting period, it refers the sequence of accounting month, Period 1 refers to the first accounting month, while Period 2 refers to the second accounting month
Example:       1st January 2012 = first month.
                      1st February 2012 = second month.

If your current accounting year is from 1st July 2010 to 30th June 2011, then period 2 will be referred to the month of ‘August 2010’.

b)    Add Entry Vs. Quick Entry
Add Entry is a single transaction entry procedure. When we enter a debit entry, we have to add credit entry (or vice-versa) to complete the double entry concept.
As we know, this Add Entry method is used to key in double entry one by one. We may either key in debit entry and followed by credit entry or in a reverse sequence. This method is very useful when we have more than one debit entry or credit entry.
While for Quick Entry, it is a double entry procedure. When we enter one side of double entry, the system will generate the other side of the entry automatically. All we need to do is nominate a Master Account. Master Account can be any double entry account and it means the account’s entry will be handled by the system.

C) Edit Vs V.Edit

- Go to 4. Transactions > 3. Print batch of 
  Transaction > Then  select batch from 5 to 5.
- Point to the desired transaction then double click.
   After done press SAVE button.

- Can only edit one transaction only
- Can be easily used by beginner 
 Go to 4. Transactions > 3. Print batch of 
  Transaction > Then  select batch from 5 to 9.
-It will show all transaction and then edit them. 

- Can edit multiple transaction
- Faster and easier to edit 

 D) Back Up Vs Restore

 - Go to 0. File > 1. Backup and Restore >
    1. Backup
- Click on Backup button , then click on OK.It will 
   saved named as Backup.acc . Then press OK.
- It can even be saved on Diskette , USB flash
  drive or on Hard Disc.
  - Go to 0. File > 1. Backup and Restore >
    2. Restore
- Click on Restore button , then press Yes.
-The files will be automatically loaded.
-Then press ok button to go back to main menu.

Sunday 29 July 2012


1.Fixed IP Address Vs Dynamic IP Address

 Fixed IP Address
 Dynamic IP Address
 Generally necessary for users whose computers are connected to the Internet 24 hours per day or necessary for very long periods of time.
  Which one temporarily to a user while he or she is accessing the internet.

2.Intranet Vs Extranets

 Appear to be part of the Internet.That it,employees of the organization may access the company's repositories of information in the same way they access similar resources anywhere on the Internet.The only difference is that the entire  intranet may be completely invisible or unavailable to outsiders.Alternatively,all or part of the intranet may be available to outsiders only after they are properly authenticated.
 An extranet is a private network that uses Internet technology and the public telecommunication system to securely share part of a business's information or operations with suppliers,vendors,partners,customers, or other businesses.An extranet can be viewed as part of a company's intranet that is extended to users outside the company.It has also been described as a "state of mind" in which the Internet is perceived as a way to do business with other companies as well as to sell products to customers.

3.Server Vs Client

 A robot type-type program that constantly runs on some computer and exchange information with users who request it.Servers can deal with hundreds of user(clients) at one time and servers also can be accessed at any time of day,anywhere in the world,with no per-minute communication charges.
 User's programs that access and exchange information with servers.A great many of business transactions that occur on the Internet take place in client-server environment.


-Involves using a password or digital key to scramble a readable (plaintext) message into an unreadable (ciphertext) message.The intended recipient of the message then uses the same or another digital key (depending on the encrytion method) to convert the cipertext message back into plaintext.For encrytion has three types :-
                      i)Secret-Key Encryption
                          -uses of secret password.
                     ii)Public-Key Encryption
                           -uses of two keys in association with each encrypted message.
                    iii)Digital Envelopes
                            -uses both public-key and secret-key encryption with some procedure.

5.Control Vs Exposures

 Needed to reduce exposures.An organization is subject to a variety of exposures that can have an adverse adverse effect on its operations or even its very existences as a viable going concern.It's used to save company from being exposed or to avoid data or financial of the company from being stolen.
 Consist of  the potential financial effect of an event multiplied by its probability of occurrence.The term risk is synonymous with probability of occurrence.Thus an exposures is a risk times its financial consequences.  

6.White Collar Case In Malaysia

- Abusement of authority

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 28 - White-collar crime outstrips conventional crime as it affects the financial performance of commercial organisations in the country.

As such, issues related to financial crime, fraud and corruption were a major concern to the government, said Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar.

He said white-collar crime, or economic crime, could take different forms, including bribery, cyber crime, asset misappropriation, cheque and credit card fraud, identity theft, insurance fraud, money laundering and counterfeiting.

“The other main contributing offences are criminal breach of trust, cheating, forgery and illegal money lending,” he told reporters after opening a Seminar on Forensic Accounting and Financial Criminology at the Securities Commission here today.

Between January and August this year, Ismail said the Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) estimated the loss from various economic crimes at RM546,114,099.

For the whole of last year, the loss was reported at RM1,988,959,883, while the previous year saw the loss as RM833,453,263.

He added that Pricewaterhouse Coopers Global Economic Crime Survey 2007 revealed that 48 per cent of Malaysian companies were subjected to economic crime during the past two years.

“In fact, this has doubled as compared to the 2005 survey. According to the same survey, fraud remains one of the most problematic issues for businesses worldwide, no matter what a company’s country of operation, industry sector or size,” he said.

The deputy inspector-general of police said, over the years, capitalists, corporate executives and even criminologists argued that white-collar crime took a back seat to a strong national focus on more conventional crimes, especifically violent ones.

However, with changing times, Malaysians were now much more aware of the seriousness of economic crime, he said.

“Those who are engaged in financial transaction are also at risk from banking, insurance and credit card fraud, as well as identity theft which is generally a precursor to the aforementioned cases of fraud.

“Demand for the expertise of forensic accountants these days is higher as there are now signs that economic crime is affecting other economic sectors such as manufacturing, tourism and property,” added Ismail.

He said coalitions of private and public groups, and an international approach was needed to work together to combat financial and economic crime. - Bernama

Friday 27 July 2012


Hey people…yes! Out of the blue, the mid semester just around the corner. For students like us, this critical time is the time which the students are struggletowards their notes, quizzes and tutorials given by the lecturer especially for the Accounting Information System (AIS). As we know, the accounting Information System is not just an account or numerical types of subject, but it is about the supportive systems that help the accountant and other workers in this universal to keep on their account data, make easy to find the data that have organized (information) and others. Based on what our lecturer’s taught from the beginning until now, there’s a probability that topics from Chapter 1 until Chapter 4: -
·         Chapter 1: Accounting Information Systems: An Overview.
·         Chapter 2: System Development and Documentation Techniques.
·         Chapter 3: Electronic Commerce
·         Chapter 4: Transaction Processing and the Internal Control Processes.
It must be focused on by all Accounting Information System’s students. It’s too important since we must achieve target ‘A’ for this subject on Mid Semester Examination. Just face to it as bonus for us because on the final examination, there will more topics that must be covered and of course it will be may hard to learn than the topics learned before the Mid Semester Examination. The moral is, whatever it is, we must attained the goal that we have made to achieve the ambition as an accountant.
Tips for Accounting Information System.
The questions will be in subjective questions. So, students must know how to answer the questions based on the questions request. Furthermore, some of the questions contain 8 to 12 marks. This means that the answers that will be given the students must be long and elaborate appropriately.
Example : Elaborate SIX (6) types of business processes and give TWO (2) examples for each.  
*There are 4 questions will be given. Answer all questions.
Last but not least, Good Luck to the Accounting Information Systems students for answering the questions on this next 30th July 2012, Monday.
Good Luck Everyone!!